“Cantaloupe….Got a Date” Salad

As a part of our ongoing healthy dieting, (we did a week of raw…that’s all we could handle!) I came up with this fabulous salad. You think it’s going to be sweet but then you get a little bite of the red onion with the avocado and cantaloupe and it’s fabulous.


Breakfast Berry Salad

Breakfast | July 23, 2012 | By

This post is going to be short. And so is the recipe. I can’t write some long winded post and follow it with the shortest recipe on the planet.

For a minute I’d like to talk about my beautiful Pixie.


Roasted Vegetable Salad

The hubby had this crazy idea to eat a raw diet for one week. No bacon. No meat of any kind. Shit, nothing COOKED. I thought he was insane. I mean, really. This is the man who physically CANNOT go without protein for breakfast on the weekends. And now he wants to eat raw fruits and vegetables for a WEEK? And this is the girl who loves to cook heart warming, gloriously comforting food. With butter, and cream and all things delicious. But, alas! We are on day three and doing great.


Ahi Tuna Poke

Appetizers | July 18, 2012 | By

It’s summer here in California. Glorious summer! Our June gloom has burned off and we have moved into the wonderfully beautiful days of summer. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, my puppy is finally sleeping through the night; everything’s coming up roses! We’ve been very busy with swim classes, gymnastics camp, beach days, and FUN. I love not having to keep a schedule with the girls. I love not setting my alarm and rushing them both out of the house and off to school. I love going with the flow and enjoying whatever life throws at us for the day. It. Is. AWESOME…. DUDE.
