Turkey Birds Nests

Le Petit Bebe | August 28, 2012 | By

Summer has come and gone. School is starting and I’m annoyed.


Mommy Bistro Kids: Baked “Fried” Lemon Chicken with Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce

Le Petit Bebe | February 28, 2012 | By

I had a horribly epiphany over the weekend. I realized that in about three years time, my girls will be off to school all day long. Which means they are growing up tooooooo fast for me. I want them to stay little and cuddle with me and still need their mommy. I know it sounds crazy, right? Three years is a long time away! But then I think about Pixie turning FIVE this year and it makes me realize that time is literally moving in fast forward for me. And school is really long. They will be in school for the next 18 years of their lives! I know we all did it but I’m just having a hard time letting my girls get so big. I’m sure our parents felt this way too. But they’re my BABIES!!



Mommy Bistro Kids: Pizza Roll-Ups

Grub., Le Petit Bebe | February 17, 2012 | By

My new goal is to release one kid friendly recipe per week. I am sure I am not the only mommy out there who is frustrated on a daily basis with the near impossible task of getting her darling little kiddos to eat their dinner. When Buggies and Pixie were babies, they ate everything I put in front of them. As they have gotten older (and more independent), I feel like I’m losing the food battle. I insist on vegetables with their meals (fruits are easy peasy to get these little monkeys to eat). Even if it is just one bite, it’s a step in the right direction. On the other hand, I’ve never met a 45 year old man or woman who only eats mac n cheese. Which makes me feel like there is a ray of sunlight at the end of the tunnel.

Hubby’s Note: When it comes to our kids, my wife is the Food Whisperer. If I am left in charge of dinner for them, it’s gonna be Mac N Cheese, or eggs, or snacks. Or Del Taco. I’m not ashamed of this, I’m just a realist. I know my limitations.
