Deep Fried Garlic with Ancho Aioli

Appetizers | August 30, 2012 | By

Warning! What you are about to eat is so, so, so very NAUGHTY.

Over the summer I started shopping at our local market. I’m not talking Albertson’s here, people. I’m talkin’ a no frills, brass tacks, ethnic food filled local grocery. And it’s a secret little gem but I’m going to share it with all of you. It’s called Valley Produce Market. They carry tons of different international products, with a huge butcher market in the back and tons of really great fruits and vegetables. And it’s cheap. Where’s the catch you ask? There isn’t one. If you live in my area…I highly recommend you check it out. I became so obsessed with their Rainier cherries this summer, I would buy two pounds at a time. Let’s just say our house was very, um…regular.

So! Valley Produce sells fresh peeled garlic (about 60 pieces) for $3. That’s a steal! I had used what I needed for my 50 cloves of garlic chicken and needed to use up these remaining little morsels.

I played a game of “I Spy” with my pantry and saw the blue box of beer batter. My wheels started to turn, my eyes crossed and a mischievous smile fell across my face. Deep fried garlic! Yesssss….But what to dip it into? Oooooo……aioli……

I brought it with us to watch an 80’s cover band at a concert in our local park and they were gone before you could say clogged artery.

Hubby’s Note: Is there anything that doesn’t taste absolutely sinfully amazing when deep fried and dipped in aioli? Especially garlic! If we have another daughter, I’m naming her Aioli.

Here comes the naughty…..

Fresh peeled garlic cloves…the more the merrier
1 box McCormick beer batter
1 beer (half is for the batter. The other half is for you. You’re welcome.)
1 Cup Mayonnaise
1 tablespoon (or more…up to you for spice) ancho chile powder or cayenne papper
1 1/2 cups peanut oil

Mix beer batter to instructions on box. Add the garlic. Heat oil until it shimmers and is very hot. While oil is heating, mix the mayo and ancho powder. Cover and refrigerate. Using a slotted spoon, place the batter covered garlic into the hot oil. Be sure to not let it splatter on you! Fry until golden brown and then drain on a paper towel lined plate. Serve immediately with your ancho aioli!

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    • Leave a Reply

      April 4, 2013

      The batter was crunchy and the garlic was soft and creamy. They are truly amazing!

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