Not Your Mom’s G-Man (Gingerbread Sandwich Cookies)

Le Petit BonBon | December 15, 2011 | By

I keep a clean house. I can’t focus when everything is everywhere….which is quite the challenge with two little ones under the age of 4. So, when I made these cookies, my girls and my best friend’s son were addicted. As a result I’m still finding little crumbs of these all over my house. I can only assume that they helped themselves and created a fallout shelter full of these cookies somewhere with a secret handshake and a “don’t tell the mommies where the cookies are” pact.

I cannot for the life of me find the original recipe. Whoever the fabulous genius was to come up with this recipe….I thank you. As do my children.

Hubby’s note: I’d like to explore Mom’s G-something a little later. I’ll give you a hint, I’ll be the only man there.
